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Fourth annual St Bride Library conference

Temporary Type // Fourth Annual St Bride Conference 10-12 October 2005

St Bride Institute, Bride Lane, Fleet Street, London, United Kingdom 10-12 October 2005

Fontworks co-sponsored last month's Friends of St Bride Library Conference in London with a theme of "Temporary Type". Delegates had the opportunity to undertake walking tours of typographic London in-between stimulating presentations ranging from Messianic Type to East-end Type!

Industry heavyweights such as Rich Roat (House Industries), John Downer and Adobe's Thomas Pinney talked respectively about Naive Type, Sale Type and Malleable Type, whilst Teal Triggs gave a fascinating talk on the Subversive Type of the Punk fanzine era.

A spot of physical stimulation was also on offer courtesy of Emma Lavender's stone carving workshop in the courtyard; the leap backwards from G4 laptop to hammer and chisel was an eye-opener for all concerned! Also outside, Diederik Corvers' circular sand and water installation (goodness-truth-beauty) attracted many admirers.

To accompany the Conference Programme (set in Sun by Luc[as] de Groot) a special Temporary Type booklet was designed by House Industries to celebrate the first season of lettering for their House33 clothing collaboration with fashion impresario Barnzley. Copies of the limited edition booklet are available to buy from Fontworks or are free of charge when ordering any House font pack (while stocks last).

Many thanks to G-Type's Nick Cooke for supplying the photos.

Stone Carving

The Fontworks table

Type in the round

This conference was organised on behalf of St Bride by Typevents LLP, a UK-based multi-national partnership that provides a comprehensive events service to the printing, paper, type, and graphic design communities.


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