Darren Scott Typographics (DST) - fonts by Darren Scott
 | | | Darren Scott Typographics | fonts designed by Darren Scott
Darren Scott (Click for a listing of fonts) Darren Scott graduated from Salford University in Manchester with a Design Practice Degree in 1996. Formerly the Senior Designer and Typographic Consultant at McCann-Erickson Manchester, Darren now runs his own consultancy, Truth Design. Designing fonts was something he developed as a student. He was asked to develop a typeface for FUSE 15 [Cities] in 1995 which led to Berlin[er], his first digital font. His love affair with visible language developed from there. Darren has a knack for designing experimental, boundary-pushing types for text, headline and display purposes. His original type designs include the Aggregate, Hydrate, Mechanic, Mechanic Gothic and Nitrogen font families which can be viewed, tested and downloaded here. See also: Darren Scott PDF specimen |
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