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HVD Subway Types font family

Ten Year Itch
House 33
Berthold Types
Darren Scott
Wiescher Design
Solutions - Sample Settings

If you've heard about a particular typeface and would like to see it for yourself, or if you want to see how a particular face might look within a particular setting, this service will prove invaluable.

  1. PDF Character Sets
    If you wish to view a particular font in its entirety, we can email you a PDF showing a full character set. This service is free. You can also download PDF samples of most of the fonts on the site; simply click on the font name in the A-Z listing and you'll see a PDF icon in the sample window.

  2. Special Sample Settings
    For more detailed showings with enlarged or highlighted letters, give us a call and we'll give you a quotation for the job. Obviously the price depends on your requirements and there is a minimum charge of £35.00

  3. Sample Settings With Artwork
    If you'd like to see how a particular font would look within your artwork, this is an especially useful service. Send your artwork to us and we will convert the font(s) of your choice into paths or outlines. We will then insert them into your artwork and send the file back to you.

    Within this format, you will be able to view and print the artwork and assess the effectiveness of the font(s) for yourself. Once again the cost of this service depends on the number of fonts and the complexity of the work required, but again there is a minimum charge of £35.00 per job.

    Please Note It is best to talk to us about your specific needs so that we can determine how best to satisfy your particular request. If you cannot contact us by telephone during office hours please email sales@type.co.uk The more information you can provide the better.

See Also:
Create your own custom font
Font identification service

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